stop or go © - avalanche risk assessment
This is the Norwegian translation of the assessment tool "Stop or Go". Copyright lies with the Austrian Alpine Club. With kind permission for translation given by the mountain sports department v/Michael Larcher in ÖAV.
The action card and checklist (translated by me) can be downloaded here.
Stop or Go © is a strategy for avoiding avalanche accidents in the mountains and free ski arenas.
Stop or Go © offers a clear path to decision-making ("Check 1" after Werner Munter + "Check 2") as well as a checklist with standard actions for both planning and on the trip.
With Stop or Go ©, approx. 80% of avalanche accidents can be avoided. Qualified instructors teach the correct application of Stop or Go ©.

A detailed explanation of the card can be found (in Norwegian) here.
For the English version of the card, I refer you to the webpage of the ÖAV, see link below.
Further information and instructional videos [in German] on the subject of "safe on the mountain" ("SicherAmBerg") ski tours can be found here:
Download, print and laminate! More resources can be found in the download section of the website. Wishing you good and safe ski trips!
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